Antique Arms
Another reason why you should only do business on the web with someone who also has a brick and mortar store where you may eventually resolve any problems. Someone has sold My Photographed items on Yahoo and other auction sites as their own, taking the money and of course not delivering the goods. So much for auction sites and getting a real good deal! FBI notified. It just happened again on gunbroker site with a "reputable" review, unreal!
PS: For any questions about me you can always contact my hometown Police who reside next to my shop in Mechanicville, NY ~ 518-664-7383. Prices may change without notice.
~ Updated Sunday, February 5, 2023 ~
Items Below Do Not Generally Require A Federal Firearms License (FFL) to Purchase. Both antique and faithful reproductions are considered antique but some localities or States may have laws superseding Federal Law so some purchase restrictions may apply, especially thru our Company.

We always have a nice selection of guns for room decor or wall hangings, also a selection of nice pieces for your collection.
See our Lay-a-way program for 30, 60, or 90 days ... 30 days same as cash if paid by cash, check or money order ... we do accept all credit cards (see our lay-a-way terms) ... minimum lay-a-way amount, is $300.00.

Smith and Wesson Model No. 3 Schofield Single Action Revolver, Late Second Model, Engraved and with Presentation
This is a Smith & Wesson Schofield Single Action Revolver known as the late Second Model because of the addition of the June 20th, 1871 patent date on right side of barrel. It is in the standard .45 S&W caliber with 7" barrel and appears to be from the

original 5000 guns ordered by the US Government in 1877. There are the usual military inspector marks of "E" in the proper locations but no "US" is still visible as the gun has been nickeled and engraved. The normal "P" proofs are still visible. A number 36 has been engraved into the design on the backstrap just behind the hammer and just below is an inscription "Col. J. W. McNelley". So it

appears that this gun had been a martially issued piece and later was presented to this Colonel McNelley as an engraved and nickeled trophy. The only reference I can find suggests McNelley was a California Ranger. The hammer is fully case colored, the trigger has about 75% blue, there is no lanyard hole in butt and the overall condition is like new. The walnut grips are excellent and have a fine line checkering pattern with diamond style center, unmarked inside and

probably not from S&W. A factory letter has been requested on this revolver with serial number 74xx. I recently acquired this gun and the one above and I will love this one for awhile but have priced it at .... $00,000.00 SOLD and Happy Birthday!

Smith and Wesson New Model No. 320 Revolving Rifle
This is a Smith & Wesson New Model 320 Revolving Rifle with 16" barrel and

original walnut stock, the gun is serial number 48. This is a very rare S&W and prized by collectors. I only had one other of these and that was a dug specimen without the stock, about twenty years ago. These just don't come up for sale. There were about 900 of these guns made in .32-44 caliber (as they were classed in 1876) and only around 200 with this 16" barrel. This particular gun is

about antique fine condition with over 80% original blue, excellent bore, and excellent hard rubber grips and fore-end. The stock does have a few dings, no cracks and excellent butt plate. There are some abuses to the exterior of barrel and

some old pitting to the frame (see thumbnails). It appears that the gun saw little use as the action is tight and perfect but either poor storage or possibly water damage added the pitting. Regardless of the condition whether poor or mint, this is

one rare gun that you can't buy in any condition. $xxxxx.00 ... SOLD
Smith & Wesson Double Action First Model Belgian Copy in .44-40 Win. Cal.
Another early Belgium Copy of a Smith & Wesson Frontier style First Model Double Action Revolver chambered in .44-40 Winchester cartridge. (Photo & Description to follow)

Comparison of the Belgian Copy to a real S&W
An early Belgium Copy with the real S&W DA Revolver above. The differences are readily apparent in the barrel lock, trigger and cylinder.
Both are for sale above.

Smith & Wesson, Double Action, five round revolver, #106xx with 3 1/4" round barrel and integral rib. This 3rd Model is chambered in .38 S&W and is in the family of the first double action, top break, auto ejecting revolvers made by S & W. It is nickel plated with approximately 50% finish remaining and it is hard to distinguish between the plating and bright polished metal surface. Made between 1884-1895 the blued top latch and trigger guard are excellent, also most case color remains on trigger and hammer, the S & W logo, checkered hard rubber grips are near perfect. The action is very tight with the chambers and bore in excellent condition. There seems to have been very little use of firearm but finish has deteriorated as indicated. We are offering this at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW FFL Required SOLD

United States Historical Society 1851 Colt Navy
This is a 1 of 1000 US Historical Society Model 1851 Colt Navy Revolver especially made as a Special Edition in the late 1980's for Navy Veterans. It is the standard .36 caliber in percussion cap & ball system. This is serial number 760 and was originally ordered by a local US Navy Veteran of WWII, recently deceased. He sold it to me with the expectation that I would pass it on to an appreciative buyer, a plaque with his name is enclosed. It is as new in the original walnut custom case and with a velvet sleeve and white cotton gloves for handling. He told me he paid over $1000.00 when he bought it more than twenty years ago. It is a very impressive piece and handsomely done in gold overlay on the dark blue finish with walnut grips. These USHS Commemoratives rarely come on the secondary marker as they are usually kept and passed down as family heirlooms; here is your opportunity to own a fine example. ...$0000.00 ... SOLD.


The Golcher Lock, A Penn. Gunsmith
First gun in the above photo this Golcher flintlock is on a tiger maple stocked Pennsylvania Long Rifle. Some of the neat little accessories that come into our Saratoga Arms Fairs. I and our exhibitors are always looking to buy guns and related items. Before coming to our shows always think about bringing something in to trade or sell.

French Percussion Pistol
A pistol similar to Aston above ...(Photo & Description to follow)

Remington Vest Pocket Pistol .22
An early Remington Vest Pocket Pistol in .22 caliber also known as a Saw Handle Derringer in their number 1 frame. One can readily just the smallness in size compared to our quarter, no wonder this was a very popular gun for concealment. This was a Patent from Oct. 1, 1861 and was available for the Civil War period and made right up to the late 1880's. This one is serial numbered 5621 of about 18,000 or so made so it is a fairly early gun in the series. The hammer spring is still strong but most of the original bluing is long gone, the metal is now an even gray appearance. The walnut slab grips are excellent but may have some extra finish on them. The bore is fine but shooting this would be a risky affair without the use of the old "black powder" loaded rim-fire cartridges. Once this little dealer of death could have hugged the leg of a bawdy beauty or the sleeve of a river boat card shark, we'll never know. You can certainly spin your own yarn about the poker table when this falls out of your cuff. Priced as a piece of history no longer lost, it is $000.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD

J. M. Marlin No. 32 Standard Revolver
An early Marlin Company No. 32 Standard five round .32 Rim Fire Long Caliber Revolver with 3" round barrel. This is called a tip-up pistol with "birds head grip." It is a single action pocket gun with patents of 1875. It is in excellent working order with tight lock-up and fine bore. These were made with a brass frame and then silver plated, of which about half remains. The barrel and cylinder were steel and this particular gun was then nickeled with only about 10% remaining, the rest has a pleasing gray appearance. The hard rubber checkered grips are near perfect. Overall this is a very pleasing example of a gamblers' pocket piece or self protection pistol in the Roaring 1880's. We have this fine little gun priced at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD

Pair of Percussion Colt Style Black Powder Revolvers
This Colt .44 Caliber cap and ball Revolver was imported by Navy Arms Company from an Italian manufacturer. It has a brass frame, 7 3/8" round barrel and nice one piece walnut grips. It is the Colt percussion system, single action, black powder gun used in and prior to the War Between the States, or our Civil War and it resembles the 1860 style Colt. The top gun featured is in like new condition with serial number 10765. This can be legally purchased as an antique but is a replica that does really shoot a black powder lead ball when loaded. We have this priced at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD

The bottom gun is a Colt .36 caliber 1851 Navy style, percussion system black powder revolver with brass frame, 4 7/8" octagon barrel and one piece walnut grips. It is marked "Sheriff Model - Italy" on the barrel and is serial number 23558, also in as new condition. Also marked "Hawes Firearms." This is classed as an antique and can be purchased without Federal Firearms paperwork but may be restricted in some States. We have this priced at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD
Even though these are both sold I usually have several variations and styles of these reproductions in stock around $175 to $300 depending on what they are ... they come and go ... call us.

L. C. Smith Double 12 ga. Damascus
For a "Cowboy Gun" or a special self defense quick draw partner, this is one honey of a gun. Classed as antique because of the Damascus barrels that were trimmed to just a tad over 18" this fancy American side-lock sports a selective single trigger, ejectors, deluxe fore-end, and cut checkering to the fine grade American walnut stocks. The pattern on the Damascus barrels is nearly all there and visible. The front barrel ends were not professionally filled and finished when trimmed but the bores are fine. There is some case color still on receiver and the gun would rate as fine to excellent. This was a high class shotgun from one of the best American makers with serial number 2106xx. We have it priced at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD

My C. Sharps .22 Four Barrel Pepperbox Collection
The one on the left is pretty much a duplicate and is the one for sale above. The others are not for sale.

Need Parts or Repair?
We do some repair and restoration work when time permits. We also have an inventory of a few parts or perhaps know where to get them.
Check the bottom of page for grips and butt plates.

Winchester Model 1886 Possibly Deluxe
This fine old relic of a rare Winchester Model 1886 Rifle could possibly be a deluxe version in great .45-70 caliber. Some minor parts are missing and gun could use a little TLC with solvent and brush, I just don't have the time that I would like to bring the luster back to all these guns I find. As to be expected with the rough life these guns were given by cowboys and hunters alike there is a bit of rust in areas. I would rate this at minimum of NRA good for an antique of this age. .... money refunded only if returned in exact condition ... only blah, blah, blah. Ever see an add like this in one of the gun papers only to find that the above pictured item was sent? You couldn't return this in the same condition if you tried! Just handling it and it will probably break. But did you know that this crap is happening all the time out there? "Will clean to about good or better." Better than what?? "I'm not a dealer so I don't know how to explain this ..." Be careful when you send your hard earned cash to a mail drop in who knows where. Buy only from a reputable dealer who you can find with an address and verify it. "Caveat Emptor," is a real saying that means beware when you buy.
NOTE: This item is not for sale but we do have a real Deluxe 1886 in .40-65.

Middle Eastern Yataghan
This wonderful old sword is in my collection and I finally looked at it for the first time in about 15 years and thought I might like to know a bit more about it. It is not for sale. But there is Arabic style writing on the blade, possibly in Farsi, and I want to know if anyone out there can decipher it. I believe it to be a poem to Allah (?), the Muslim God, for protection in battle for the owner and that it is dated somewhere about 1730 in our calendar. All I know, or think I know and now you know I want to know more. Thank you.
I have been getting some interesting responses on this, thanks to you all who have sent in updates and comments.

Smith & Wesson No. 1 & No. 2 Revolver Group
Smith & Wesson No. 1, 2nd Issue, Tip-up Rev. on top with Manhattan Arms on bottom. At the time the resemblance was scary for S&W too. Note the size difference in the No. 1 to No. 2 Both were Civil War period guns.

Belgian Solid Frame Revolver
This is a six round Belgian solid frame frame revolver that is marked CAL.320 on left frame, (A .32cal. S&W round is too large for cylinder.) It has a 2 3/8" barrel integral to frame. Cylinder is removed by pulling out extractor rod and removing cylinder pin. It is loaded by opening cartridge gate. Works fine as single action - double action is not working. Safety lever on left side locks hammer in place. Gun retains nearly all military blue finish, fine checkered walnut grips are excellent, lanyard ring present on bottom. Belgian proof marks on cylinder and crown over R on right side of frame while crown over ML on left. Gun rates excellent plus condition and measures about 6 1/2" in length. ... BUY NOW ... $000.00. SOLD

CVA 1860 Colt .44 Army Percussion
This CVA Black Powder Only, Percussion .44 Cal. Revolver is a copy of the famous Civil War 1860 Army by Colt. Connecticut Valley Arms had this made by Uberti in Italy in the early 1980's. It fires a .454 round ball from an 8" barrel. It is all steel construction with brass trigger guard and walnut stocks, overall the length is about 14". The case colored frame is as new and the gun is unfired in the original box with warranty card from 1989. However, two cylinders must have had percussion cap discharges as there is evidence of old rust around those nipples from not being cleaned properly. Also, the wedge is a very tight fit and shows disassembly marks on wedge, screw and immediate surrounding area. Still, the overall appearance is like new but as noted. Gun is cut for stock and has the attachment screws. Box is in excellent condition but edges have been touched up by black marker, it stills looks fine and no doubt was improved. We have this very tight gun priced at $xxx.00. ... BUY NOW. SOLD

"Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms and Their Values" 8th Edition
By Norm Flayderman, with 669 pages, 8 1/4" x 10 3/4", soft cover describing over 4000 antique American Firearms, over 1700 photos and histories of makers. This is "the Bible of Antique Gun Collecting", copyright 2001, this is the last edition. New ... SOLD

Pair of Percussion Black Powder Pistols
The top single shot black powder percussion system pistol with 3 3/8" round steel barrel that screws to brass frame is unmarked. It has a wood, birds head grip and unguarded trigger. The caliber is approximately .44 and appears unfired. The barrel holds the brass ramrod for loading. This is classed as an antique and we have it priced at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD

The bottom pistol is a swivel, two barrel over and under derringer in the percussion system for cap and ball with black powder. The barrels are 3" overall and they are approximately .31 caliber. The frame and barrels are of steel with a single action hammer and unguarded trigger. The gun is completely unmarked and in fine, probably unfired condition, but the walnut slab grips are crudely set. This is classed as an antique and we have it priced at $xxx.00 ... BUY NOW. SOLD

1795 Springfield Style Flint Lock US Contract Musket
This 1795 US Springfield Armory .69 Caliber Musket may be from a hither-to unknown maker from the early US 1794 Contract. The inside of lock is marked "T. DALE" with other gun markings that are noted below. These early muskets from the very beginning of our history do not become available very often. It is truly a pleasant rarity for this one to be offered here by us. And, this particular one may be of particular historic interest because of the evidence of the unknown maker. This has recently come into my possession and I have written a short article on this firearm and what I believe to be a summary of its' overall description, condition and place in our arms history. History Mystery
Just bought a nice collection of Antique & Civil War Guns and will be putting them on soon. Watch the site.
Just got a Remington Navy .36 Cal. 1861 Revolver in but sold it in two hours for $800. It was untouched, graying condition. Used my list of prospects. Send your want list.

We have an assortment of butt plates and grips that are reproduced to very good specifications. The images are not the best at the moment but I think you can get an idea of what is available, even more than is shown actually. They do not come with screws or escutcheons. We do have a few original parts also. Click to enlarge.