~ Updated Sunday, February 5, 2023 ~

It is with great sorrow that we announce, DJ passed away May 19, 2012.

  C&D Petronis, Inc. is pleased to announce our association with one of the finest and experienced of Master Firearms Engravers, Domingos Joaquim. DJ, as he is known among friends, has worked as an Artist and performed his Art of Engraving for major firearms companies, Hollywood celebrities, musical artists and individual customers for over forty years. He is said to have been the best in his field when at Smith & Wesson Firearms Company between 1978 and 1982.

  DJ now will be accepting a limited amount of new clients thru our Hudson River Trading Company storefront and this NEACA website. All work is performed by his own hand whether it be simple scroll engraving, elaborate art and design work, master execution of animal or portrait art, gold or silver inlays or raised gold designs and figures. DJ will also be at some of our NEACA Arms Fairs showing demonstrations of his art and possibly executing simple work on site. Recently, two of his artful Model 60's were highlighted in the Smith & Wesson Collectors Journal.

  For information about having any of his engraving or inlaying art performed on your firearms, knives or for similar work please contact us for a thorough consultation and estimate. David Petronis, can be reached at 518-664-9743.

Domingos Joaquim, Master Engraver at one of our past Saratoga Springs, NY NEACA Arms Fairs.

Here, DJ is working on a double barrel shotgun receiver, applying an outline of a Pointer on a bird.  Some simple jobs can be completed at the show if brought in early or call to schedule a consultation on more elaborate work.  DJ worked on many tedious projects while at Smith & Wesson Company and his artistic talents adorn guns in many celebrity collections such as those of Hank Williams, Jr. and Ted Nugent.  Now, you too can have your own firearm upgraded to a work of art.

Domingos is executing scrollwork on this Smith & Wesson revolver which would be classed Domingos_Joaquim_ Engraver_ Working_Show_1 Domingos_Joaquim_ Engraver_ Working_Show_2 as one-third coverage. This is the raw work that then has to be cleaned of sharp edges and finished smooth. This is a basic upgrade of a used firearm that could cover pits or wear and make something unattractive into a presentable classic engraved gun.

DJ now lives in the northern New York Adirondacks and will be displaying his art at some of our NEACA Arms Domingos_Joaquim_ Engraver_ Working_SW_ Revolver_4 Domingos_Joaquim_ Engraver_ Working_SW_ Revolver_3 Domingos_Joaquim_ Engraver_ Working_SW_ Revolver_1 Fairs within his easy driving distance.  If you would like to have any work done please contact me at our shop or thru our e-mail. We can give you ideas of what can be done and at what cost. We normally would have artwork done on a paper outline of your gun prior to any work performed.  That artwork would be part of your complete project and a value in itself.  Gold inlays, either outlines or raised artwork can make an heirloom out of your current plain gun or we can also order something new and work to create a presentation grade firearm for yourself, a business client or family investment.

Notice on this particular revolver the stocks have also seen the beginning of some custom work and a set can be customized for your heirloom in a variety of styles and compositions.

Whatever you may have in mind can probably be accomplished.

From simple to elaborate, we can transform your firearm into an exquisite work of timeless artistry.

Though this is an actual antique firearm with period engraving the photo shows an example of the old art of engraving, a presentation piece, probably done in the southwest during the 1890's.

Turn one of your plain firearms into an item that can be treasured and passed down through future family generations.

Below is a Smith & Wesson Model 53 in .22 Jet that is now owned by a prominent collector and these photos were shared with me in the hope of identifying whether it was the work of Domingos Joaquim.  When I showed DJ the photos he remembered performing this work for a client from Rhode Island about 30 years ago.  There were many more photos but these are highlights of gold inlays, the nude was sort of a trademark of DJ's work.

Jet Eagle DJ Jet Eagle Close DJ.JPG Jet Puma DJ Jet Nude DJ Jet Bears DJ Jet Bears Close DJ Jet Nude DJ.JPG

Call or e-mail us with an idea you may have for upgrading one of your firearms to a work of art.  Or we can purchase any new firearm for you and have it specially engraved by Domingos Joaquim, one of the leading artists of the last century and now into the 21st.