Photos of Interest
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- DATE - Wednesday, July 25, 2001 9:15 AM EST
- PLACE - Hudson River between Mechanicville - Stillwater, NY
- OBJECT - Use of helicopter to repair high tension wire ballasts spanning the Hudson River above old D & H RR bridge.
- CAPTION - What A Team!
- STORY - Credit has to go to the pilot for his absolute control and the retrieval person for the balancing act on helicopter strut. Wednesday morning of July 25th I took this photo of a repair person aided by helicopter, removing balloon ballasts/markers from high tension electrical wires spanning the Hudson River just north of lock 3 near Mechanicville, New York.
- The crossing is elevated above the old Delaware and Hudson Railroad Bridge. Also present below were two people in an air rescue boat from Arvin Hart Fire Department of Stillwater. Unknown whether there was a connection.
- The helicopter flew each balloon to a spot in a field by the Lock, hovered, then the repair person dropped the object to the ground, presumably to be picked up later. The same procedure will probably occur to replace the ballasts.
- AUTHOR - Digital photos (1,2,&3) and story by David Petronis. Copyright, July 25th, 2001, David Petronis. Use is hereby given to bonafide news organizations providing credit is given to "NEACA, Inc. and Home Page", donation of cash, praise or accolades are always welcome.
What A Team ... New Story and other photos below.

Not to be outdone by a civilian work team, "Crazy Eddie" of Viet Nam fame coaxed his ever faithful lackey, Joe "Baits" Ketchum, down to grab a large tuna ....
"Crazy Eddie" went wild when he saw the expression on Joe's face! Wow, "That wasn't a tuna, Baits. That was my pet White. Isn't he Great?" Since minnow-hood, Eddie nursed his pet and taught him tricks. That's how he got his nick name. But, aren't they cute together?

Photo # 4 was sent in by Steve Micklas, former Manager of the Air Combat Camera Service Photo Lab and Graphic's Facility that processed audio-visual material for the Gulf War. Original photo nomenclature "Bad Day". Thanks, Steve.