September 11, 2006

Dear Members and Exhibitors,

Here it is five years later and the only reason Cathy and I feel safer is that we still own guns.  During the dark hurricane in New Orleans the folks that had them were being sought by the local government in fear they might just be using guns to keep what they own and wanted to protect.  New buyers of homes near long operating shooting ranges now want to close the ranges down because of noise and safety.  And if Schumer and the possibility of a new democrat Congress get in and have their way this fall, gun shows might follow the path of the do-do bird.  But, thank the heavens and pro-gun people everywhere our Saratoga Springs Arms Fair is still going to happen this coming October 13, 14 & 15.

Those sharp, sticky things called knives, bayonets and swords are already high on the list of liberals who are setting their sights on the elimination or control of those nasty knives and box cutters.  That is why we are very pleased to announce the alliance of the Northeast Cutlery Collectors Association and New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates in this October Show.  Long time NEACA member and exhibitor, Art Green of Gloversville, NY and prominent NCCA member was the influential force in making this happen.  Thank you, Arthur.  He also has diligently advertised this cooperative event in knife and blade publications.

So, not only should you exhibitors be bringing hunting guns and accessories to this show for the upcoming season, you should also bring out those old blades tucked away for possible enticement to this new audience.  And, of course, this also affords the opportunity for you knife folks to bring along those guns and other sporting collectables not normally seen or brought to your own shows.  Let us make this next opportunity of meetings into an exchange of mutual wants.

We are extending our NEACA member table discount rate to the NCCA members for this October Arms Fair.  They simply need to present their current NCCA card for verification.  There are nearly 20 tables already paid for from the NCCA with others requested.  And with our deposits from prior shows we have over a hundred NEACA tables deposited and the inevitable “check is in the mail” for another 30 or 40 more so we are in good shape for another sell-out.  We will send fliers and discount coupons to Syracuse, Marlboro, Rochester and Springfield Shows, which are all in the preceding month to ours. 

We also send out an additional 5000 discount coupons to our prior area show attendees and will begin the local advertising 2 weeks prior to the show.  You can help by copying the flier and posting it in your gun club, local gas station or work bulletin board.  Personal promotion by each exhibitor or member can reach a lot of new and otherwise missed people.  It is hard for me to believe in this age of instant communication that I find so many people who don’t own a computer or have e-mail, who don’t receive a daily paper, who don’t fill out door prize coupons or know where they live to receive a mailed notice of our show, who don’t subscribe to Gun List or other publications and for some reason still come to our show – it is a lot about word of mouth or going to prior or other shows.  But to get to the same person with all the above attributes who doesn’t attend gun shows – you need a personal flier staring him in the face or a “by chance glimpse or listen” to one of our ads.  It ain’t easy reaching the right people and getting new folks to come on in.  But we work at it and so far have succeeded in getting our share of good exhibitors and good buyers.  Attested to by our sell-out shows.  And this show also has Art Green doing some of the same work in different areas.

Get your application in; I have a few wall spaces left of groups of three with one table perpendicular to the wall, in an “L” form.  I believe all or most of the front half section is already deposited for – so if you didn’t heed my warning at the last few shows about depositing for your prior location you are probably out of luck and unless you send in pretty fast you may not get space at all.  We will be in Syracuse the weekend of September 16 & 17 also.

Also, members, remember that only exhibitors are allowed in on Friday until 6:00 PM.  If you do not have a table please come only after 6:00 PM. Anyone wishing to sign up for membership may also do so at that time.  Exhibitors, remember that badges are for you and your bonafide partner, not for someone who simply asks you for a badge.  There is a limit of two. Our dealer set-up time is just that – exclusively for table holders.  Our buffet also starts at 6PM for the normal free food and drink.  And, exhibitors, you are also asked to stay and remain open at least to 8PM on Friday – that is why we provide you with free food and drink.  If all you guys consider this a waste of time we certainly can eliminate the practice – it is a lot of work and expense and if not appreciated by staying open, we can change the practice.  Let us know.

The hunting season is right on the heels of our show so do bring your hunting guns to this show.  It also marks the end of our year’s shows.  We have nothing that is scheduled until February 11, 2007 in Lake George.  That flier is also included.  Please remember to read the show Rules and Regulations on the reverse of our October Arms Fair flier and sign the reverse. Please pay your membership dues if up on October 1, 2006 – see your mailing label for your due date.  Please have all paperwork and payments in to us two weeks prior to the show if you want the member discount rate.  And have all paperwork and payments in to the Secretary’s table prior to set-up on Friday evening.

If you haven’t been to our website, which garners over 3 million hits a month, which those of you not in the know, that’s a lot, please do visit.  While perusing the site you will find that our E-mail address is on each page.  Please respond and send us your E-mail address.

Other than all that crap, have a great upcoming season.  Perhaps even I, owner of over one thousand guns may finally get to go out hunting or fishing this year.  Who knows, all may still be right with the world if you all vote right.

Cathy & Dave Petronis