August 11, 2011

Dear Members and Exhibitors,

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday it was hot and humid, the stock market dropped over 500 points and I bought four guns. This morning the weather is as great as can be for August, the market just closed up 400 and I sold two guns first thing on opening the shop. Who knows what the morrow brings. Well, let me enlighten you as to what we have been doing and some plans for our near future. Just started unpacking some of the things brought back from our Old Forge Gun Show this past weekend and repacking for a visit to Clayton. Of course it seems every time I put the phone down it rings again; I think the busy time of year is right around the corner and none too soon.

Our first summertime show in Old Forge went pretty good, not too hot and a decent crowd spent enough money to make most of the dealers leave with extra cash. I know it must have been a fairly decent show when I, myself, sold guns --- and you all know my prices! We have our fall event booked for the same weekend as last year in Old Forge, October 1 & 2; the flyer is enclosed. We’ll see if we can’t make a motel deal, check our website at for any and all current details.

A reminder flyer is also enclosed for our upcoming August Saratoga Springs Arms Fair; we are working towards our normal summer show of around 200+ tables and do have some new folks coming as well as most of our regular exhibitors. If you haven’t already sent in for the August 27 & 28 Show, I suggest you give me a call ASAP.

Our October Saratoga Springs Arms Fair flyer is also enclosed and notice we have moved a week earlier than normal and hope to remain at that time period. As usual, a one table deposit is all we ask along with an early application. In that way we can serve the show better in knowing who is coming and allowing us more time for advertising and promotion instead of time wasted with reminders to dealers. Best for us, better results for you. Don’t forget to post our fliers.

Notice our one day event on Saturday September 3rd at the Ilion-Frankfort VFW Post. We were there last December for a show, which went well, this one should be even better. The NYS Trappers Convention is being held on Saturday and Sunday just up the hill at the Frankfort Fairgrounds and we should piggy back on their public crowd also; flier enclosed with limited space and a great food service. Friday set-up available.

Now, how about something new? Today we just finished the last details for a new Gun Show in Cortland, NY at the J. M. McDonald Sports Complex. We can get 350 well spaced 8’ tables on a comfortable turf field, a little familiar I know, but a whole lot easier to work with this floor and management. Our first date is going to be the Columbus Day Weekend on October 7, 8, 9 and a follow-up show scheduled for March 31 & April 1 weekend in 2012 .

This looks like a great spot on the map for a Gun Show, Cortland sits between Binghamton and Syracuse while being a few miles south of the original Ithaca Gun Company factory. The whole area is hunting country with a fine history for gun manufacturing. Sprawling farms and countryside is nestled between the old Allegheny Mountain ranges all made easily accessible north and south by Interstate 81 and from the east and west by the NYS Thruway and Route I-88 from the Capital District. I think we found a real winner with this location and I can keep our table prices down to $55.00 for NEACA Members. Cathy and I will see what we can do for motel rates and check out some restaurants for exhibitors but meanwhile spread our date and location to your friends and colleagues so we can make this a full show. We will have fliers for Cortland available at Saratoga in August.

We did have one casualty to report, our anticipated resurrection of our show in Ticonderoga. We have cancelled the show because of a lack of follow through and coordination from the venue. We’re getting too old and been doing this too long to have to lead "professionals" by the nose. If they don’t know what makes the world run smooth we don’t have time to teach them.

I think we are living in a very fast changing world --- and country, one that I hope is getting back to business with conservative values. The turmoil of the "oppressed" masses in Great Britain may even be coming here, the signs point in that direction. The third of our population who know what is real will usually be prepared; the opposite third who don’t have a clue will want what you have. The middle third who are always too busy to listen and usually make up the undecided will find themselves in the middle; wondering why and probably being unprepared. Our job is to convince those in the middle to stop, learn and listen … and to buy a gun and ammunition. Those are the new people we want at our gun show; find them and invite them so we can all live and prosper. Send in your applications today and let’s make our NEACA Arms Fairs truly fine and necessary events.

Thanks, Cathy & David Petronis