Marlin Gun Company, Three Product Catalogs

Marlin Gun Company Product Catalogs; 1992, 93, 94 with 24 pages in full color, in standard size 8 1/2" x 11". All in near new condition, except the 1994 has a right bottom corner missing, all feature Marlin guns and company products, very colorful. ...
Price: $35.00
Marlin Gun Company, Three Catalogs 1980, 81, 82

Marlin Gun Company Catalogs for the years 1980, 81 and 82 in standard size all in full color and the 1980 and 81 have 32 pages, the 82 has 24 pages of company guns and game recipes. 1980 has been hole punched and has seen some use, 81 and 82 are in exc. condition. The price is for all 3. ...
Price: $45.00