SINCE 1982 ~ SINCE 1972

~ Updated Monday, October 7, 2024 ~

Polish Community Center

Next NEACA Show:

Albany Arms Fair

January *10, 11, 12, 2025

Albany, NY
100 ~ 8' Tables

Polish Community Center

* All shows: Sat 9-5, Sun 9-3, unless otherwise noted

Rules and Regulations must accompany application

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A Hot Time in DC

Washington was burning!

Prior to the wanton destruction of all the Federal buildings, including the President’s House, the Capital, Treasury and Arsenal, by the invading British forces, the civil officers and most of the people were in earnest retreat. While President James Madison, Secretary of State John Monroe, and Secretary of War John Armstrong Jr. were fleeing out of the District of Columbia, Dolly Madison was gathering the full length portrait of George Washington which she had cut from its massive frame and then snatching the precious parchment on which the Declaration of Independence was written, and signed by 56 members of Liberty, finally left the White House with her sister in a carriage, borne away to safety beyond the Potomac River. The British, under General Robert Ross, entered Washington on the evening of August 24, 1814. On finding the dinner tables set with food and wine in the “White House” they dined. Our Second War for Independence now seemed very bleak indeed.

A Hot Time in DC ...

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A Day that will live in Infamy ... September 11, 2001 ... a day no American should ever forget! ...

Many of today's teenagers and young Americans probably have no recollection of that fateful day of fifteen years ago, nor the meaning or intensity of it for those of us who lived thru that early morning of the awakening of a new American era.  Many of today's children were not even born when tragedy struck the economic center of this entire world; many were too young to view the carnage shown in true, live format on American TV's and many were never taught the meaning of that epic event that brought Americans, not to their knees, but to their saddest and even greatest time.  Many of today's young people, and now young voters, don't really have a clue!  As I watched news today and relived that horrible event my emotions ran over in my heart and tears filled my eyes.  I remember waking to a wonderful sunny day and hearing from both my sons that something happened in New York City and to watch Fox News.  Today's weather here in NY was stormy at 6:30 AM with rain and wind, then the sky became very clear and the sun shown bright at around 9:00 in the morning; it was a beautiful September day, as it was and as I recall that Fateful Tuesday fifteen years ago.  Americans awoke then to a new world; to a new awakening.  Those of us who know, now have the responsibility to make clear that awakening to those young folks of today; never forget and teach them the lesson that there is still terror in this world.  It can and may still happen one wonderful bright sunny morning.  But as Americans we don't live in fear of possibilities but still we all must realize potential threats and prepare with prudent observations and defense.  God will always bless America.

Dems Hope to Ban Gun Shows ...

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Left Store Window

The first glance may be very deceiving to the casual visitor.  Look closely, as this is an extensive and varied site of quite unusual collectables and gifts; of old toys, dolls and trains, of knowledge, learning and even entertainment. A site that you will surely visit again & again.

From Americana and Antiques  thru Coins and Collectables to Guns, Knives, Swords and Zebra Rugs ...... We HAVE IT, We've SOLD IT, or .... We CAN GET IT!       See our "What's New" page for new guns sale.

We do have a Lay-away program.

  Our main business is in our stock of 1000 or so Collector, Antique and Investment Firearms but we also are Federally and NY State licensed and have all the new guns available for orders.  Sporting collectables, Adirondack antiques, fine glassware and china, vintage toys, trains or gifts round out our standard fare.  Militaria and hundreds of edged weapons are also IN INVENTORY at our Mechanicville, New York brick and mortar store. Remember though, our prices can change without notice, up or down.  See our SITE MAP ~

  NEACA, Inc. is our sister company that organizes and promotes trade shows.  Since 1982 we have staged Antique & Collectable Shows, Computer Fairs, Craft Shows and Toy Shows but our main events are our Gun Shows or Arms Fairs under our New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates banner.  We have a membership of authors, students of history, militaria and firearms collectors and dealers that now numbers around 1500. One of our interesting past Gun Shows was at the Riley Rink at Hunter Park in Manchester Center, Vermont but we are most proud of our Arms Fairs in the Saratoga Springs City Center in upstate New York and in our newly revised Newburgh, NY Gun Shows. Friday dates are always just for exhibitors or our NEACA Members, you can join today if you wish to come in early at our shows.